A value strategy selects stocks that are trading at a lower price relative to its fundamentals. The twist on this strategy plays off the efficient market theory which assumes that all facts known are factored into the current price of a stock. With that, a company that has increasing revenues without price appreciation should be increasingly undervalued. This strategy looks for 3 quarters of revenue increases while price remains relatively flat. For buy rules we added positive free cash flow, strong return on assets and equity, and a market cap floor of $500 million. We purchased the smaller market cap stocks first and sold after a 30% gain or a drop of 9% from the highest price since purchase.
Currently outperforming SPY by {{ yearExcess | percent }}
Currently underperforming SPY by {{ yearExcess | percent }}
Excess return: {{ summary.excess | percent }}CAGR: {{ summary.cagr | percent }}Max Draw Down: {{ summary.drawdown | percent }}
US companies only
SP500 members only
industries:{{ u }}
sectors:{{ u }}
{{ r.lhs }} | | {{ r.rhs }} |
{{ spec.sort }} purchase smaller first purchase larger first |
{{ r.lhs }} | | {{ r.rhs }} |
portfolio size | {{ spec.positions || ' ' }} | | min hold time (trading days) | {{ spec.minHold }} |
Full Strategy Access
( 12 buy rules and 2 sell rules )
available with any paid subscription