Piotroski F-Score
Joseph Piotroski developed his "F-Score" while working as an associate professor of accounting. The Piotroski F-Score awards a stock 1 point for each of 9 criteria to determine the strength of a company's financial position. This strategy selects only stocks that have met all 9 criteria and hence have an F-Score of 9. Piotroski recommended purchasing stock that had an F-Score of 8 - 9. You may want to try turning off a rule or two in Backtester to test his theory.
Currently outperforming SPY by {{ yearExcess | percent }}
Currently underperforming SPY by {{ yearExcess | percent }}
Excess return: {{ summary.excess | percent }}CAGR: {{ summary.cagr | percent }}Max Draw Down: {{ summary.drawdown | percent }}
universe:  all stocks
US companies only
SP500 members only
tickers:{{ u }}
industries:{{ u }}
sectors:{{ u }}
buy rules
{{ r.lhs }}{{ r.rhs }}
sort rule
{{ spec.sort }}  
purchase smaller first
purchase larger first
sell rules
{{ r.lhs }}{{ r.rhs }}
portfolio size{{ spec.positions || ' ' }}   
min hold time
(trading days)
{{ spec.minHold }}
Full Strategy Access
( 11 buy rules and 1 sell rules )
available with any paid subscription
Stocks that meet this strategy today
Use Watchlist to implement this strategy and know what to buy and when to sell.
You can refine the strategy to try and improve your returns in Backtester.
Load the strategy in Screener to see current stock selections.
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Data source: CSI (www.csidata.com), Zacks Investment Research, Inc.
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